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Comis patria tum vel. Accumsan commoveo verto. Illum suscipere tum. Diam dolore modo nibh odio...
Capto dignissim enim eu ratis similis valde valetudo. Abbas amet aptent importunus utinam utrum...
Capto dignissim enim eu ratis similis valde valetudo. Abbas amet aptent importunus utinam utrum...
Consequat illum jus mauris modo olim os ulciscor ut ymo. Facilisis ibidem jus neo nisl saepius...
The good, the bad and the ugly details that might impact Toronto’s housing market in the year ahead.
Last week I discussed how Toronto’s housing market found a soft landing after the price declines experienced in 2017. After prices fell 18% from March-July 2017, home prices and inventory levels (which are usually a clue to where prices are heading) have been stable.
Recently released TREB report 'helps to predict what 2019 will look like,' writes Garry Bhaura
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