Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in require_once() (line 342 of /home/wwwhomev/public_html/zovig/includes/


Why buying a home is important

After Drupal was initially developed, thoughts turned to the creation of a logo. Of course the concept would have to include a drop, or water in general. The initial idea was simple: a drop within a circle. It was conceived as an "O" in a fluid "drop". Somewhat later there was an idea to use a cartoon-like drop with a face. Steven Wittens (UnConeD) created a 3D version, but the idea didn't get too far, mainly because 3D is difficult to work with.

The Real Estate Cookbook (for beginners)

The Drupal Cookbook (for Beginners) helps Drupal "newbies" by providing a walkthrough of a common Drupal Setup. You might also be interested in this whirlwind video.




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Toronto, ON



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